Make the Call & Share their Response:


  • Answer your phone! we'll call you!

  • After answering, you'll hear a message with instructions.

  • We'll then begin a process of connecting you with key lawmaker office.

  • Try to stick to the script: don't worry about sounding “scripted” - legislators are used to and expect calls like this.

  • After each conversation, don't hang up, just press the * (star key) to move to the next set of instructions and lawmaker if any.

  • The call will likely only last 1 minute.

  • When you're done with all, please let us know what you heard!

  • Calling after offices close at 5PM or on the weekends is an opportunity to leave a voicemail message.


Hello, my name is [YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME], and I am a resident of [CITY].

I am calling to share my concern with [LEGISLATOR'S NAME] regarding HB0793 / SB0836

We all want a quality education for ourselves and our children. As a [parent / teacher / community member], I know how important it is for every child to have access to an education. 

[Share a personal story abuot why this is important to you/all children] School was foundational for me growing up. It's where I met some of my best lifelong friends, discovered my love for [insert favorite subject], and gained important skills that have been key to my success in life. Every child living in our country should have the same freedom and right to learn as I did — no matter where they were born or how they got here. 

When every child has the ability to achieve their full potential, we as a country are stronger.

Can I count on [LEGISLATOR NAME] to support every child's right to an education and oppose HB0793 / SB0836?
What does [LEGISLATOR NAME] have to say in response to my ask?

[pause and wait for response]

Okay, thank you [End call]


Share who you spoke with and what their message was to you, to help us evaluate the growing influence of all of our calls to these offices. Your feedback helps us gather the information we need to adapt our strategy. Share it below, thank you!